Wednesday, July 11, 2007

早兩日終於有時間幫我啲指甲扮靚靚喇~ 當然唔係自己整啦, 我有位朋友嘅家姐好好人, 喺銅鑼灣Red Mall 1/F 有間美甲鋪頭. Location好方便, 整完又可以行下街shopping吓! ^.^ 最估唔間嗰道好private, 好有私人空間, 因為靚靚老板娘每次只會接一個客人, 感覺好舒服~ 老板娘仲好nice tim ar~ 好快就過咗兩個鐘lu!

今日知道星期五要去長隆幾日, 拍攝玩樂特輯, 同行仲有好多人tim, 一定好好玩喇! 但係都會好熱, 想哂黑多少少 ^.^ 都要帶定防哂, 唔怕哂傷嘛~


Anonymous said...


唔知係個咩o既旅遊特輯o黎呢?? 幾時會播o架?? 你記住要話我聽等我唔會走雞呀!!!


Sharon Luk said...

hi Kenneth,

it will be showed today @ 1930 @ Jade channel b4 the Ms Hong Kong 2007. Also will got a little performance in Ms Hong Kong 2007 tonight~ ^.^

Anonymous said...


Then I will not hang out today to support your performance!!

Good show for your live show Ms Hong Kong 2007!!

Anonymous said...


I've watched the Ms Hong Kong 2007 tonite!! Really glad to see you show up in the opera part!! You were so beautiful. Prettier than other past Ms Hong Kong ar!! was just a short time for your performance part....just a little bit upset about that.