Tuesday, July 03, 2007

啱啱外景完K-1格鬥技, 返屋企休息一陣, 好嘢~ 今日去騎馬lu~


Anonymous said...


咁我星期日晚一定要留意你響K-1 o既演出喇!!!

喂喂.....我今日完成左我個考試喇!! 你份paper 又做成點呀?? 要努力呀!!! 支持你!!!

Sharon Luk said...

Hi Kenneth,

haha~ glad that I can completed my assignment on time. Just finished my exam for the 1st session, hopefully not too bad la~~ ^.^

瑋瑋 said...

Hi Sharon,

Continue to work hard.. haha.. =) I'm sure you will score very well.. take care and see u soon..


Sharon Luk said...

Hi Carven,

u too~ study hard & looking forward to see u very soon~ ^.^