Saturday, December 31, 2005

Wong Tai Sin

Photo shooting for Ming Pao at Wong Tai Sin today & will be published during "Luna New Year"..... long time haven't been there le.... After photo taking we got some time between next function, happy that I got time to shopping at SOGO.. haha~~ ^.^

Not too cold at night when attending for the press conf. of new Pearl prog. at World Trade Centre. Met Chloe, she bought me a choco cake as she know I haven't got dinner yet.... so sweet!! & Po as well....

I've to make myself a financial plan for next year for saving money le..^.*

Friday, December 30, 2005


My big day!! Attended for a Press Conf. of "Yan Chai Charity Show" which will show on Jan 7, 2006 & know will perform Yoga!! Think should practice these days...haha~~

Got another birthday dinner tonight with friends, we celebrated at Karaoke & it's a long time haven't been karaoke le..... ^.^ My funny friends give me a big big kiss with her big big red lip on my face, haha~~ I haven't clean it until I'm home...... such a carzy night!!!

Hope my dreams will come true, all the best to my family & friends.... seem a bit greedy le.... hee~~ ^.^

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Miss Chinese Int'l Pagaent 2006 Press Conf.

Attended a Press Conf. of MCIP at KLN Shangrila this afternoon...... Weather getting cold today le!! Have a wonderful & warm dinner with my colleague in TST, happy to see all my lovely friends there!!! ^.^

Fans Gathering!!

Got a wonderful gathering with fans today at "Green Land Cafe" in CWB today. Surprise that many of them still in school but spend their holiday on my party!! Especially Kevin, he's the younger boy with a shyly face, really cute!!

Specially thanks for Po, Wing & Calvin for arranging this great party! Chloe, Mandy, Al, Kathy, Christina, Janet, Yin, Chong..... & TVB reporter as well. oh no..... ate a lot today! Gotta to lose weight but out of control le..... Poor me.... -.- Chix Wings, Seafood'Spaghetti, fried..........

Got a lot of presents: Scarf, cushion, chocolate, Photo album, necklace...... love it all but don't wanna to spend too much on me, I'll keep it well ^.^

Really tired when I back home & jump onto bed after shower!!